To initiate, support, fund and sustain activities, programs, equipment and facilities which promote and reward excellence in the music program of the Charlotte High School Silver King Band student body.
Want to be involved? Text @skbban to 81010
2023/2024 Booster Officers
President: Kristin Burkey
Vice President: Michael Wheeler
Treasurer: Melanie Brese
Secretary: Kimberely Moore
Fundraising Chair: Ashlee Bailey
Parent Volunteer Coordinator: Michelle Rockymore
2023/2024 Board of Directors
Thea Graham
Want to be involved? Text @skbban to 81010
2023/2024 Booster Officers
President: Kristin Burkey
Vice President: Michael Wheeler
Treasurer: Melanie Brese
Secretary: Kimberely Moore
Fundraising Chair: Ashlee Bailey
Parent Volunteer Coordinator: Michelle Rockymore
2023/2024 Board of Directors
Thea Graham